First things first. Watch this video to guide you in setting up your PC:
Next, download your DCX desktop wallpaper here
Validate and sign the Employee Accountability Form that arrived with your equipment. If you didn’t receive a form, download it here . Once signed, upload the completed form to your onboarding packet.
As a reminder, our business hours are 8 am to 5 pm CST, Monday through Friday. However, we ask that you join the New Hire Employee Orientation on your assigned date, likely next Monday 3:00 pm - midnight, Philippine time. If you are unsure, contact your Onboarding Specialist.
You may dial in 15 minutes early as we prepare. Eric Lomerio, Training Coordinator, will be waiting for you in the MS Teams room. Open your camera and please be in a comfortable learning venue. Prepare to learn, have fun, and grow!
Need Help?

Check our FAQ’s here.

Contact your assigned Onboarding Specialist.

Submit a help request service ticket via the instructions here. (Specify “IT” or “Human Resources”).